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November 24, 2008
Hawleyville Fire Department

Commissioners Present:  Cragin, Goosman, Dugan, Burton, Wlasuk, McCulloch and O’Keefe

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 p.m.

Marshals Present:  Halstead, Ober, and Zilinek

MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of October 20, 2008, be accepted as presented.
Minutes passed as presented.
MOTION:  Goosman moved that the minutes of the Annual Dinner meeting of October 27, 2008, be accepted as presented.
Minutes passed as presented.

Correspondence to:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
10/30/08        Town Clerk/Ober         Newtown Hook & Ladder – McCulloch elected official
9/1/08          Cragin/Richard Winn             Newtown Pumper
11/6/08         Samuelson/Halstead              Luminary Bags
11/12/08        Cragin/Borst                    Donation of Spare Truck
11/23/08        NUSAR/BOFC                      Dry Hydrant Inspections
11/24/08        BOFC/Ober                       Radio System Problems
10/23/08        D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Road Acceptance – D. G. Beers Boulevard
9/19/08         D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Road Acceptance – Trades Lane
10/23/08        D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Road Acceptance – Primrose Street
9/19/08         D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Road Acceptance – Simpson Street
9/19/08         D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Road Acceptance – Keating Farms Ave.
9/4/08          D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Road Acceptance – Wentworth Drive
10/23/08        D. Aurelia/Borst (cc BOFC)      Old Farm Road
10/21/08        Cragin/Purchasing Agent Bid Award – Fire Hose Testing
10/21/08        Cragin/Purchasing Agent Bid Award – Truck Mounted Equipment

Correspondence from:
Date            To/From                 Subject                                         
10/28/08        Robert Tait/Cragin              Donate Spare Truck – Old #331

Fire Marshals Report:
·       For the month there were 107 calls, 424 incidents, and 435 hours worked.  Total fees collect $95.00.  
·       Halstead stated that filters are needed for the suppression tanks.
·       Two fire companies are behind on their reporting since March of this year:  Dodgingtown and Hawleyville.
·       Zilinek and Halstead have been participating in fire prevention sessions.

Standing Committees:

Radio:  no report

Budget:  Burton reported that the tank for Marlin Road was inadvertently left out of the budget.  

MOTION:  Burton made a motion to amend the BOFC budget by increasing it by $31K.  This would increase the overall budget by10%.
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

Chairman Cragin will bring this to the attention of the selectman.

Trucks:  O’Keefe reported that truck #331 is having the pump rebuilt.   The Hawleyville trucks inspected are fine.

Policies and Procedures:  no report

Hydrant:  no report

Purchasing Agent:  
·       The Fire Reimbursement Program Committee will be meeting in the near future to review possible changes to the program for 2009.  
·       For the December BOFC meeting Burton wants to have Hartley FIEOB Services attend the meeting and discuss their services.

NUSAR:  McCarthy reported all dry hydrant inspections were done.  Five hydrants were not existent.  Five hydrants need attention: Old Hawleyville Road; Georges Hill Road; two at Rock Ridge Country Club and one on Jingle Brook.  

Public Participation:  
·       Dave Ober - bad radio communications with fire and PD at Butterfield North/Hanover Road.  Wanted to make the BOFC aware of this incident.  K. Cragin asked radio committee to look into the problem.

·       Police Radio – Bill Halstead commented the fire department was not involved in the PD’s presentation for radios.    Bill Halstead will contact Motorola directly.

Additions to the agenda:  

MOTION:  A motion was made by Burton to add truck specification writing class to the agenda.  
Seconded:  Goosman
Motion passed unanimously

Old Business:  none

New Business:

·       Truck Writing Specifications:
Mike Wilbur, is a renowned instructor for writing truck specifications.  Bill Halstead will coordinate a four hour class with Wilbur who will present new and refurbished apparatus.  This will be scheduled for 12/11/08 at the Sandy Hook Fire Department.

MOTION:  Burton made a motion that the BOFC pay the $3K fee for the specialist training class encouraging all members in fire services to attend.  
Seconded:  Dugan
Passed unanimously

·       Training funds:

MOTION:  Wlasuk moved that the training funds for Newtown Hook & Ladder in the amount of $2,050 for the pump operator program and International Technical Rescue Symposium be accepted.
Motion passed unanimously.

·       MOTION:  Wlasuk moved that the training funds for Botsford Fire and Rescue in the amount of $300 for rental fee for the burn building be accepted.
Seconded:  Dugan
Motion passed unanimously.

There being no further business the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Terry Hennessey
Terry Hennessey